Blog | Datylon

What's new in Release 54 | Blog | Datylon

Written by Kosma Hess - Marketing Manager | May 25, 2023

We're excited to announce the revitalization of our Datylon online platform, with the newly named Datylon Report Studio as the central hub.

It's a space where you can effortlessly produce reports using templates created in Datylon for Illustrator or the Datylon online chart maker. 

If you haven't had a chance yet, we invite you to explore Report Studio and generate stunning reports with ease.

Sign in to Datylon Report Studio and enjoy the new version of the most advanced report maker!


Polished Datylon workspace

Users who use a lot of templates, either to create reports manually or automatically with Datylon Report Server, can enjoy some more file management features such as search, sorting and different views. This is only the start of more, so stay tuned!

Sign in to Datylon Report Studio →



Off the grid

For all charts where applicable, the zero gridline can now be styled differently from the other gridlines allowing you to highlight it as a reference in your chart, next to the axes.

Download Datylon for Illustrator, R54 →


And as always, we also fixed a bunch of smaller issues.

Are you missing a feature? Use this link to request it now, so we can try to make it happen for the next releases!